has begun distributing a digital edition of New Scientist magazines. That’s a bit of a coup for two reasons.
“This is a great leap forward for New Scientist. It will bring the magazine to a whole new audience, many of whom wouldn’t have access to the print copy,” said Natasha Ward, publisher of New Scientist. “I think it’s quite fitting for the title that it should be one of the first in the U.K. to publish using this technology.”
As she mentions, the first reason why it’s a coup is that New Scientist is the first UK magazine digital edition that has begun to distribute. The second reason is simply that New Scientist is a distinguished magazines. Established in 1956, owned by Reed Business Information, and published in print editions weekly to 650,000 readers worldwide, New Scientist is one of the world’s leading magazines about science.
Its digital edition version from will cost USD51 for an annual subscription or USD4.95 afor a single copy. It’s odd that isn’t yet accepting funds in Pounds Sterling for digital editions of British publications.