Professor Vin Crosbie, the managing partner of Digital Deliverance, has been public speaking for more than 25 years in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia, to academics, to governmental agencies, to consumer products corporations, and to the media industries. He delivers a tailored speeches or presentations to each gathering.
Among the range of government agencies that he has addressed are the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission, and he has delivered the Republic of Singapore’s annual Media Lecture in that nation’s National Library (photo below).
Among the consumer products corporations are Harper & Row, John & Johnson, Thomson/RCA, and the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) of Las Vegas.
The academic organizations range from the International Media Management Academics Association and the Society for Scholarly Publishing to Tsinghua and Peking universities, City University in London, and the universities of Missouri, Texas, California.
He has been a featured speaker at media industries organizations including the American Society of Newspaper Editors, the Newspaper Association of America, La Asociación de Editores de Diarios Españoles (the Daily Newspaper Association of Spain), the Media Development Investment Fund, Book Expo America, De Eerste Nationale Email Marketing Conferentie (The First National Email Marketing Conference of the Netherlands), and he has co-chaired and co-moderated the World Association of Newspapers-Ifra’s Beyond the Printed Word conference in Vienna. The sizes of his audiences have ranged from 20 to 1,200.

Moderating the Monetizing Online Business conference, Home Box Office headquarters, New York City
Although Professor Crosbie can create a speech or presentation for a wide variety of media-related topics about media, he nowadays speaks primarily about three topics:
- The future of media; why people are changing their media consumption habits; and the ramifications for society.
- Why the greatest change in the history of media (namely how people’s access and choices of contents has switched from relative scarcity to surplus or now even overload) has doomed Mass Media, its business models , and other legacies of the Industrial Era; and how all of those are already being superseded by Individuated Media as the predominant means by which people obtain news, entertainment, and other information, now that the Informational Era has begun.
- Successful business models and content production for Individuated Media.
Please feel free to contact Professor Crosbie about his availability.

List of Speeches and Presentations
Individuated Media: A Cognitive Framework for Understanding the Changes Underway in the Media Environment, the International Media Management Academics Association conference, Doha, Qatar, October 5, 2019
The Rise of Individuated Media, the Rethinking Theories and Concepts of Mediated Communications conference, organized by the University of Missouri, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, and Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, September 13-14, 2018, Barcelona, Spain.
The Greatest Changing in Media History, the third annual Singapore Press Holdings Foundation Media in Transition lecture, Drama Centre, National Library, Singapore, July 14, 2010.
The Spectrum of Media Change, the Monetizing Online Business (M.O.B.) conference, the HBO Theater, New York City, June 24, 2010.
Do Newspapers Have a Future? the Twelfth Annual Peal and Albert Mall Lecture, School of Education Lyceum, State University of New York at Binghamton, May 26, 2010
Four Major Media Changes During the Next Decade, the 2010 biennial Media Forum of the Media Loan Development Fund, Bratislava, Slovakia, May 14, 2010.
The Greatest Changing in Media History, International Conference on Business of Emerging Media: Research and Prices, Beijing, April 21, 2010
Digital Rights Management, Publishing Business Conference & Expo, New York City, March 8, 2010.
Why Broadcast Online? Media Development Loan Fund Broadcast Design conference, Podgorica, Montenegro, 21 November 2008.
Individuation, Second Annual Global Conference on Individuated Newspapers, Denver, 18 June 2008.
Thriving in the digital age: threats and opportunities for digital publishers, EPublishing Innovation Forum 2008, London, 7 May 2008
Towards a ‘Many-to-Many’ Media, and Audience and Advertising Fragmentation: Threat or Opportunity and Will Traditional News Brands Win the Credibility Battle Against Aggregation? Media Development Loan Foundation, Antigua, Guatemala, 26 October 2007.
Technology is Changes News Media, including in Emerging Democracies, Media Development Loan Foundation, Prague, 30-31 March 2007.
Future effects of the Internet on Canadian broadcasters, Le Centre d’études sur les médias de l’Université Laval, Montréal, 24 November 2006.
Estrategias ante la irrupción de los buscadores en el mecado publicitario, La Asociación de Editores de Diarios Españoles (Spanish Daily Newspaper Association), León, Spain, 15-17 Nov. 2006.
‘What’s Wrong With Media?’ Editor & Publisher and MEDIAWEEK magazines’ Interactive Media Conference & Tradeshow, Las Vegas, May 2006.
Audience and Business Models: Will the Online News Industry be Able to Finance Quality Journalism? University of Texas’s 7th International Symposium on Online Journalism, Austin, April 2006.
Where’s the Money, World Association of Newspaper’s 16th World Newspaper Advertising Conference & Expo, Paris, February 2006.
Envisioning the Future of Digital Entertainment: As a Student Curriculum, as a Cultural Prototype, and as a Digital Lifestyle, Media Summit New York conference, New York City, February, 2006.
Digital Copyright Developments, Society for Scholarly Publishing, Washington, D.C., November 2005.
Online Journalism, University of Skopje, Macedonia, October 2005.
What Newspapers and Their Web Sites Must Do To Survive, Associated Press Managing Editors annual conference in Louisville, Kentucky, October 2005.
Blogging for Newspapers, Newspaper Society annual conference, Birmingham, England, May 2005.
Reinventing the Local TV Station: Ground-Breaking Ideas from Three Innovative Thinkers, Broadcast Education Association’s session, National Association of Broadcasters, Las Vegas, April 2005.
What Newspapers and Their Web Sites Must Do To Survive, New York State Press Association annual conference, Albany, April 2005.
Disrupting the News Industry: Media Concentration and Participatory Journalism, University of California at Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism and Western Knight Center for Specialized Journalism, May 2004.
Making Your Web Site a Mass Medium in a Fragmented Market, Editor & Publisher and MEDIAWEEK magazines’ Interactive Media Conference & Tradeshow, Atlanta, April 2004.
Digital Images: The Next Frontier, symposium on Storytelling and New Technology: A Conversation About the Future, Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University, Evanston, November 2003.
How Future Technologies will Change News, Online News Association, Chicago, November 2003.
Exploring Freedom of Expression in a Digital World, The Center for the Digital Globe, University of Missouri, Columbia, October 2003.
The Wireless World, Seybold-Romano Future of Print Conference, San Francisco, September 2003.
Understanding the Economics of the Web, NetMedia 2003, Barcelona, July 2003.
Subscription Marketing Strategies for Paid Content, NetMedia 2003, Barcelona, July 2003.
Weblogs: New Syndication Models Or Uncontrolled Platforms? ClickZ Weblog Business Strategies Conference, Boston, June 2003.
Trends and Forecasts: What is Next in Online Journalism? University of Texas’ School of Journalism, Austin, April 2003.
Cross-Channel Packaging: Linking On and Offline Content Services, Jupiter Online Media Conference & Expo, New York City, March 2003.
Moderator: Micropayments in Online Publishing, Micropayments Conference, New York City, Nov. 2003.
Opening Keynote Speech, De Eerste Nationale Email Marketing Conferentie, Amsterdam, Sept. 2002.
Best Practices in Online Publishing, New England Press Association conference, Boston, June 2002.
Master the Future, Magazine Industry Executive Forum, Rye Brook, NY, June 2002.
E-Mail Publishing, ClickZ E-Mail Strategies Conference, New York City, May 2002.
Future of News, Fifth Annual Online Journalism Conference, USC Annenberg School of Communications/UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, Los Angeles, March 2002.
The News Business is a Web Failure! New England Newspaper Association 2002 annual meeting, Boston, March 2002.
Digital Rights Management in Europe, First European Digital Rights Management Seminar, Amsterdam, November 2001.
E-Books & Handheld Electronic Periodical Devices, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, September 2001.
A New Economics for A New Medium, NetMedia 2001, London, July 2001.
Using Third-Generation Online Technologies to Stimulate and Support Cancer Research, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, June 2001.
Igniting the e-Book Consumer Market, BookExpo America 2001, Chicago, May 2001.
After the Fall, New Media Publishing Strategies 2001, University of California at Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism, April 2001.
One-to-One Marketing and E-Mail Publishing, New Media World, Hershey, PA, March 2001.
E-Mail: The All-Purpose Tool, Editor & Publisher Magazine’s Interactive Newspapers Conference, Dallas, February 2001.
Intellectual Property is Theft: The Napsterisation of Content, Content Summit 2000, Zürich, Nov. 2000.
Keynote speech: Tales from an Interactive Publishing Wilderness, The Seybold Publishing Strategies Conference, San Francisco, August 2000.
Wireless Applications Protocol, Founder’s Group Spring Seminar, Beijing, March 2000.
The Emperor’s New Clothes, New Media World, Hershey, PA, March 1999.
A Cautionary Tale, Newspaper Association of America Connections Conference, Orlando, June 1998.
Web Multimedia Delivery Options, Comdex conference, Las Vegas, November 1997
The X-Files: What Can Be Learned From Failed Online Ventures, Interactive Services Association annual conference, New York City, July 1997.
Net Broadcasting, Voice on the Net Conference, San Francisco, April 1997
Internet Marketing, Premium Marketing Club of New York, New York City, November 1995.
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