Vin Crosbie’s expertise is about how new technologies affect the media industries, media contents, and consumers of media. Since 1996, he has been consulting about that to governments, media companies, and other corporations, as they make the epochal transition from the Industrial Era to the Informational Era. Since 2007, he also has been teaching New Media Business, a required course that he wrote for New Media Management (formerly Media Management) master’s degree program students in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University in New York State.
Professor Crosbie has also become the world’s leading consultant on the specialized topic of Individuated Media, which are new media products/services that algorithmically provide consumers with not superficially ‘personalized’ (greeted by name) nor merely ‘customized’ (additions or subtractions to otherwise uniform products/services) but instead are fully bespoke or individualized feeds of news, entertainment, and other information. Individuated Media are the core products and service of search engines, social media, and specialized genre or topical new media services (such as Pandora, Flipboard, Spotify, etc.) and are already superseding Mass Media as the predominant means by which most people under age 40 obtain news, entertainment, and other information.
When the Congressional Research Service briefed members of the United States Congress about the ongoing crisis in that nation’s newspaper industry, the first person, as well as the only academic and the only consultant, it quoted was Professor Crosbie.
He has co-chaired and co-moderated the World Association of Newspapers/IFRA’s Beyond the Printed Word conference in Vienna. And Professor Crosbie’s adaptation strategy for world newspapers was the first mentioned in the “ten of the world’s top newspaper consultants” section of organization’s research report Charting the Course for Newspapers
In the National Library of Singapore, Professor Crosbie has delivered that nation’s annual Media Lecture to an audience of 1,200 government and media industry professionals.
His speech to the Broadcast Education Association session of National Association of Broadcasters annual conference was one of 24 orations (including speeches by Barack Obama and George W. Bush) selected by a multi-university team of speech professors for publication in the reference book Representative American Speeches 2004-2005.
Folio, the trade journal of the U.S. magazine industry, has termed Professor Crosbie “the Practical Futurist.” He has written monthly or weekly columns for the International News Marketing Association’s Ideas magazine, the American Press Institute’s NewsFuture newsletter, ClickZ’s marketing strategies website, and was a founding contributor to the Poynter Institute’s former E-Media Tidbits group weblog.
Professor Crosbie has presented academic papers at the International Media Management Academics Association and at the World Media Economics and Management Conference. In addition to teaching postgraduate classes at Syracuse University, he has taught at the Sol Plaatje Institute for Media Leadership at Rhodes University in South Africa; taught seminars and workshops at Peking University, the University of California at Berkeley, and the University of Southern California; and guest lectured at the University of Missouri, the University of Texas at Austin, and Virginia Commonwealth University.
Professor Crosbie’s consulting clients have included (in alphabetical order) Advance Publications, The Atlantic monthly, the British Broadcasting Corporation, Critical Mention, the Founder Group of Beijing, Gannett Company, India Abroad, The Irish Times of Dublin, the Jerusalem Post, Johnson & Johnson., the Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, Knight Ridder Inc., the Mail & Guardian of Johannesburg, McGraw-Hill, the Media Development Investment Fund, MediaNews Group, the U.S. National Cancer Institute, News Corporation, Playboy magazine, PR Newswire, Presspoint, Scientific American magazine, Thomson/RCA, TMP (Monster.com), Topix.com, and the New Century Network consortium of the major newspaper corporations in the U.S.
Prior to founding Digital Deliverance, Professor Crosbie was an executive at Freemark Communications, Delphi Internet Services Corporation (a division of News Corp.), Reuters, the original United Press International, and a daily newspaper journalist and executive (he is the fifth generation of his family to publish daily newspapers). He is an experienced mountaineer with ascents in the North America, Latin America, and the Alps; has held a commercial guide certification from the U.S. National Forest Service; and taught Above-Treeline Travel for the Appalachian Mountain Club’s headquarters chapter in Boston. He and his wife, Dr. Emma Rodríguez Suárez, live in Stamford, Connecticut, and in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain.

My name is Fabiana and I work for Editora Moderna in Brazil. Moderna is part of the Spanish group Santillana.
We publish textbook and books for all grades and our material are very recognize throughout Brazil, even in public and private schools.
Right now our team is working in an English book , and to enrich even more our material, we’d like to use the following text:
The Greatest Change in the History of Media by Vin Crosbie, available at – http://www.digitaldeliverance.com/2010/06/08/the-greatest-change-in-the-history-of-media/
We’d like to use this text in the printed and digital version of the book. And the printrun will be 5.000 copies.
So, we’d like to know how should we procedure to get the authorization to use it.
Please, if you have any question, do not hesitate in contact me.
Best wishes,