BloggerCon II

Bloggers attending the BoggerCon II conference Saturday at Harvard University’s Law School voted that forming a trade association of bloggers and also giving advertisers better usage statistics about blogs are the two best paths toward generating revenues from blogging. During a session on Blogging as a Business, moderated by Jeff Jarvis, president of Advance Internet and author of the BuzzMachine blog, and attended by some hundred commercial bloggers or wanna-be’s, generated a quite comprehensive Wiki listing of ideas how to make money and what is needed to make money from blogging. (Related to providing advertisers better usage statistics, Rick Bruner of MarketingVox notes in that the demographics of bloggers themselves should already be attractive to advertisers.)

A separate, earlier BloggerCon session on Blogging in Business, moderated by David Weinberger, author of Small Pieces, Loosely Joined and of the Joho Blog, didn’t find many businesses using blogs for commercial purposes and didn’t think that many would for years.

The New York Times also reports about BloggerCon. Meanwhile across the Atlantic, Nico MacDonald give an overview.