Every academic year since 2007, Professor Vin Crosbie has taught postgraduate New Media Business at Syracuse University. This 39 classroom-hour/13-week course, which he wrote, is required for all students in the New Media Management (formerly Media Management) master’s degree program at the university’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications.
During the ten years prior to 2007, Professor Crosbie was a media business consultant who, among other activities, taught half-day to multi-day business seminars and workshops in the Americas, Europe, and Asia, to C-Level and other high-level managers whose knowledge of new media business models, usages, and technologies needs to be the state-of-the-art.
If your company, organization, or government needs seminars, workshops, or courses about the rapidly changing media environment and the best practices in it, please feel free to contact Professor Crosbie about his availability and fees.
Current Workshops & Seminars
Professor Crosbie has been most active during 2020 teaching:
- The Greatest Change in the History of Media, a half-day seminar or workshop about how a more fundamental change than Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press is underway and that this epochal isn’t the Internet, smartphones, , the Internet-of-Things, etc.
- What are Individuated Media and Why they are Already Superceding Mass Media as the Predominant Means by which People Obtain News, Entertainment, and Other Information. (Customizable length: half-day to full-day.)
- New Media Chromodynamics, a day-long seminar about why and how, as the Informational Era replaces the Industrial Era, the production models, business models, and even very definitions of media contents, necessarily change.
- Why the Daily Newspaper Industry is Evaporating, a half-day seminar about the fundamental reason why this centuries-old media industry is, with very few exceptions, ending.
- How the News Industry Online Became is Still Stuck in the Year 2005, a half-day seminar about the shortsighted lack of progress of the online news industry worldwide and how technology giants have beat it.
- The Industrial Era Still Taught: Obsolescence in Academic Syllabi, a seminar about how media schools must stop teaching courses rooted in the media production technologies of the analog printing press and analog waveform transmitter and enter the Information era. (Customizable length: half-day to full-day.)
Those workshops & seminars turned into shorter, illuminating speeches.
Past Workshops & Seminars Taught
From hour-long to multi-day, among the workshops and seminars that Professor Crosbie has taught since 1997 to media companies, government agencies, and consumer corporations, are:
- Social Media for Newspapers, for New York State newspaper editors who are members of the Associated Press, Syracuse University, April 27, 2010.
- Essentials of Newspaper New Media, Sol Plaatje Institute for Media Management, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, May-June 2009
- Digital Media Management,Sol Plaatje Institute for Media Management, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, May-June 2009
- Digital Business Formation, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, April 2009
- Storytelling Masters Workshop, Johnson & Johnson Corporation, San Francisco, California, March 2009
- Leadership 2008, Knight Digital Media Center, Los Angeles, California, July 2008
- New Media for Public Relations Executives, Associação Brasileira de Comunicação Empresarial (Brazilian Association of Business Communications), New York City, March 2007.
- E-Mail & Wireless Publishing, World Association of Newspapers, New York, NY, March 2005.
- Multi-Platform Delivery of News, NetMedia 2003, Vilanova I la Getrứ, Spain, July 2003.
- Multimedia Reporting and Internet Storytelling Workshop, Western Knight Center for Specialized Journalism, University of California at Berkley’s Graduate School of Journalism, March, 2003.
- Charging for Online Content, Multimedia Reporting & Convergence Workshop, University of California at Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism, March 2000.
- Masters Series Workshops: E-Mail Publishing, Short Messaging Systems, and Automatic Delivery to PDAs and E-Books, Zürich, November 2000.
- Digital Circulation, Beijing University School of Engineering, Beijing, March 2000.
- Online Classified: Online Circulation, Editor & Publisher Interactive Newspapers Conference, New Orleans, February 2000.
- Online Classified Tutorial: Technology Solutions, Editor & Publisher Magazine’s Online Classified Symposium, Austin, TX, October 1999.
- Online Classified Tutorial, Editor & Publisher Magazine’s Online Classified Symposium, St. Louis, October 1998.
- The Four Fundamental Traits of New Media, Why Newspapers Should Deliver by MHTML, and Push, Personalization, & Consumer Power, Poynter Institute for Media Studies, St. Petersburg, Fla, October 1997.
- Push and Beyond and Streaming Online Media, Online Content Summit, New York City, September 1997.