EPublishing Innovations Forum 2008

My opening keynote speech from EPublishing Innovations Forum 2008, London, May 7, 2008. Why 1.3 billion people have gravitate online despite their already having access to mass media in much more convenient formats than online. Why the fragmentation of audiences is an illusion. Why traditional newspapers’ and news magazines’ circulations, and news broadcasts’ viewerships, must ineluctably evaporate. Why most newspapers’ and news magazines’ and news broadcasters’ Web sites won’t save their companies. Why people will be even better served by New Media than by Mass Media. And why the change today is even greater than that during Gutenberg’s era.

Jupitermedia sells Search Engines Strategies, Search Engine Watch, and

Long-time online entrepreneur Alan Meckler‘s Jupitermedia is selling its Search Engine Strategies trade shows and its ClickZ.com Network of Web sites, including its SearchEngineWatch.com, for $43 million in cash to Incisive Media plc, a public company in London. UPDATE: Alan Meckler explains…