Thanks for the Publicity in Europe

My thanks for three European articles this week that mentioned of my work:

  • Eva Domínguez, writing in Barcelona’s La Vanguardia on the subject of an Observatorio de Prospective Technológica Industrial (OPTI) report about how new technology is going to affect Spanish media during the next fifteen years, devotes the final five paragraphs of her essay (here is the English-language version) to the recommendations I made for the survival of the newspaper industry.
  • Meanwhilein Amsterdam, Leigh Phillips, commenting in Digital Media about the future of newspapers in the Netherlands, writes about my analysis in Online Journalism Review about the U.S. Project for Excellence in Journalism’s conclusion that the lack of a viable business model for online publishing could hurt journalism.
  • And John Thompson, writing in about that same decline in Dutch newspapers, makes some of the same mentions that Domínguez does.

    Many thanks. I hope my work provides some solutions.