QuickTime Panoramas

Three of the best collections of QuickTime panoramas we’ve ever seen are at Panoramas.dk, z360.com and Virtual Guidebooks (the latter by Don Bain, a pioneer of Internet virtual panoramas). Panoramas.dk’s images are full-screen, many with audio.

The Digital Golem Project

Belgian Conceptual Artist Eric Van Hove has incorporated our Theory of New Media into his Digital Golem project, his entry in the UNESCO/Iamas 2003 international new media contest entitled Digital Pluralism. Van Hove’s project, to be submitted at the 5th World Forum…

VoIP is 'Virtually Unstoppable'

‘Voice over IP‘ is long-distance telephone calls route through the Internet rather than through telelphone companies’ circuits. VoIP calls have little or no cost. Ten percent of all international calls last year used VoIP. Traditional telephone companies fear VoIP. Read Dan Gilmour‘s…

A Cloth Keyboard

Speaking of flexible items, there’s now a cloth keyboard for the Orange SPV Mobile Digital Assistant (a mobile phone/Personal Digital Assistant). Manufactured by Ora of the United Kingdom, it uses electro-conductive fabrics and can be rolled up and pocketed when not in…

Truly Smart Clothing

The Pioneer Corporation of Japan has developed a wearable computer with a display you can wear on your sleeve. A prototype jacket was shown in Tokyo last week. The wearable color display is composed of active-matrix organic-electroluminescent (OEL) film, a material which…

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Court's MP3

The Recording Industry Association of America and several recording companies are suing file-sharing network Aimster (now known as Madster) for abetting copyright infringements and the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals is being technohip by releasing the case’s oral arguments in MP3…

Friend Swapping on Friendster

Sure, you’ve heard about the file-sharing softwares Napster and Grokster. But how about the friend-sharing software Friendster? A hybrid of peer-to-peer distribution and online dating application, Friendster helps you find new friends or become one. You list your interests, hobbies, favourite movies,…

Lufthansa Adds In-Flight Internet Access

Literally a higher demographic audience, 95% of passengers who tried Internet access aboard a Lufthansa airlines Boeing 747 liked this service. In mid-January, Lufthansa equipped its Boeing 747-400 Sachsen Anhalt, which regularly flies between Frankfurt and Washington, D.C., with Internet access received…

Our Theory of New Media is Curriculae

We’re pleasantly surprised to discover that our Theory of New Media has become required reading in the University of Maine‘s Computer Game Design course. Although we wrote that theory to help explain to publishers what the differences are between Traditional and New…

Take the 'E-Bore Test'

“Do your friends nod off or walk away when you start talking about ASP, HTML or CPM? Is the local Starbucks still the only place you can properly brainstorm with your colleagues? Are you onto your 4th PDA?” asks E-Consultancy‘s E-Bore Test.…

'Really Bad PowerPoint'

After all the PowerPoint presentations I’ve lately seen at conferences, I feel compelled to hawk Seth Godin’s US$1.99 masterpiece Really Bad PowerPoint. It’s an electronic pamphlet (PDF) about what not to do with PowerPoint. It would be worth all the conference registration…

Mickey Mouse Thoughts on Copyright Extensions

In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Courts decision backing the U.S. Congress’ extension of copyrights from 75 to 95 years, Reason magazine has published an ‘exclusive interview’ with Mickey Mouse. Among the cartoon rodent’s comments: “For almost 70 years, I’ve only…

'Forced Migration' of Online Users

In one of the largest ‘forced migration’ in Internet history, Comcast will forcibly migrate the e-mail addresses of the 1.9 million AT&T Broadband cable modem users from the attbi.com to comcast net domain. All because the Comcast company purchased AT&T’s broadband operations…

W3C Endorses SVG

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) today recommended Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 and Mobile SVG profiles be anointed standards. Vector Graphics (VG) are how Adobe PostScript and Macromedia Flash work, although those two companies each uses a proprietary version of that…

Laugh Lab

If the Internet now is universal, jokes are the universal form of content. The British Association for the Advancement of Science created Laugh Lab, a Web site where jokes are posted and rated. The funniest to more than 100,000 people in over…