Know What You’re Talking About in New Media

“The definition of the thing establishes its essence.” – ‘Metaphysics’, Aristotle (384-322 BCE) Know what are talking about. Otherwise, you might become a producer of hype rather than success. Words have real meanings. The traditional media industries are so woefully misusing terminology…

Read about ‘Individuated Media’ in the Nordic Journal of Media Management

This article published the peer-reviewed Nordic Journal of Media Management asserts that new, extremely popular modes of media services have arisen during the past 25 years that need to be critically categorized as different from the Mass Media we have known from…

An Apostate of Mass Media Greets Their Successors

As the Industrial Era wanes and the Informational Era dawns, the focus of my consulting and career has changed from Mass Media to Individuated Media. If you don’t know what the latter are, read this.

The Rise of Individuated Media – Rethinking Theories and Concepts of Mediated Communications conference paper

The Rise of Individuated Media Vin Crosbie S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications Syracuse University Syracuse, New York, U.S.A. [An Adobe Acrobat (PDF) version of this paper is available at Individuated.Guru] Author Note: Paper presented at the Rethinking Theories and Concepts of Mediated…