Looking for Writing Assignments

I’m looking for a few publications for which I can write about subjects such as electronic publishing, e-mail, e-commerce, paid content, digital editions, and other phenomena of the Internet. I very much enjoyed my recent writing assignments for Online Journalism Review (on…

The Popular over the Authoritative?

Google, the de facto search engine of the Internet, indexes the most popular Web sites for a keyword, not the most authoritative. Meanwhile, I believe that Clay Shirky has accurately applied the Power Curve to the phenomenon known as blogging. And blogging…

New Graphic Interface Designs for News

Many people (recently, Editor & Publisher Magazine columnist Steve Outing) have written about how news Web sites need better graphical layouts. Most of those layouts date back to the early days of the Web, when designers were attempting to replicate printed page…

Alistair Cooke R.I.P. (1908-2004)

The Guardian in the UK and The New York Times were among many English-language newspapers today publishing obituaries of Alistair Cooke. A cultural bridge across the Atlantic, he lucidly wrote for one and perceptively read the other. The Guardian‘s Media section today…

Concensus in the Trenches

Azeem Azhar pointed me to Terry Eagleton‘s essay about the importance of theory, which the Guardian published on Tuesday. Azhar writes: “… it’s a brilliant criticism of the critics of thinking, reason and principle. During my time working for large organisations there…

Shovelware Online Newspaper Design

Steve Outing has a good story today about most online newspapers’ woefully rigid and cluttered graphical user interfaces, the design equivalent of shovelware. He quotes Howard Finberg of the Poynter Institute (as is Outing) and the Digital Futurist consultancy and Nik Wilets…

Crawling for Local News

Last week, I wrote about Topix.net, which spiders more than 3,000 other local news sites, then lets users enter their local ZIP codes and see a page showing all local news from all local media. The San Jose Mercury News quoted me:…

Busy Monday

I’m having a busy Monday because the previous day one of the journalism reviews commissioned me to report about the Project for Excellence in Journalism‘s The State of the News Media 2004 study, specifically the section about US online journalism. The study,…

Shameless Plug? You Be The Judge

Aside my article this week at Online Journalism Review, someone has posted a comment that amuses me:             Shameless Plug I find it more than a little coincidental that Vin’s prescription for online success involves using products quite similar to his PublishMail product,…

Solo Act

I’m now writing this blog solo, a change from the past two years when I’ve written perhaps two of every three postings. So, blame just me from now on.      — Vin Crosbie

CheetahMail Purchased by Experian

E-mail publishing applications service provider CheetahMail has been purchased by credit reporting and business information corporation Experian. CheetahMail started in 1997 as a private spinoff of the newspaper industry’s failed New Century Network (NCN) consortium. CheetahMail initially specialized in providing e-mail publishing…

We're Now Radically Dissident

“If people would dare to speak to one another unreservedly, there would be a good deal less sorrow in the world a hundred years hence.”     — Samuel Butler, The Way of All Flesh (1903) “All faults may be forgiven of him who has…

Prophetic Words

“It is the thesis of this book that society can only be understood through a study of the messages and communications facilities which belong to it; and that in the future development of these messages and communication facilities, messages between man and…

Ask Their Employees That Question

EditorandPublisher.com features an article headlined Tony Ridder Still Having Fun. We’ll presume that Rupert Murdoch, the Cox family, and the Newhouse brothers are also having fun.* The real question is whether their employees are enjoying themselves, too.      * We should note that…

Traffic from Mizzou

We’re receiving a relatively large amount of Web traffic from the University of Missouri this month, most of it visiting an article we wrote for the November 2001 edition of IDEAS magazine (the journal of the International Newspaper Marketing Association).The subject of…

Top US News Sites for December 2003

News Site(source: Nielsen//Netratings) Unique Audience (000) Time Per Person (hh:mm:ss) CNN 19,970 0:32:17 MSNBC 19,629 0:18:10 Yahoo! News 18,134 0:27:30 AOL News 15,027 0:40:09 Gannett 9,685 0:13:24 NYTimes.com 9,549 0:37:21 Knight Ridder Digital 8,171 0:13:29 IBS 8,124 0:13:34 Tribune Newspapers 7,755 0:14:54…

Paid Content Presentations in London

Next week in London, Anne Ridyard (top left), the associate publisher at IDG magazines in the UK, and Richard Withey (right), global director of interactive media for Independent News & Media Plc, and managing director of Independent Digital (UK) Limited, will give…