ChannelSeven has an interview with Privacy Consultant Richard M. Smith, who’s now semi-retired. Among other topics, he talks about how much data-mining is actually wasted by marketers: “Web sites and database companies collect an amazing amount of data that isn’t used. One…
eMarketer, in a story about RedSheriff’s report about the top Australian Web sites by traffic, presents this interesting bar chart displaying both the sheer numbers of consumers online in major countries plus the percentage those users represent of their national population. [One…
Who gets the rights to offer downloads of a major American sport? The that sports’ league itself. Major League Baseball is offering downloads of this year’s US baseball quarterfinal and semifinal games, plus video clip of highlights from regular season games. Each…
The satirical weekly, The Onion, reports how “an Internet worm that disabled networks across the U.S. Monday and Tuesday temporarily thrust the nation into its most severe maelstrom of productivity since 1992.” As one corporate IT systems administrator said, “The local-access network…
The majority of print periodical publishers surveyed by GartnerG2 either foresee no change in the relationship between print and online or don’t know what the future holds. They aren’t optimistic about the future of online advertising as a means to increase revenue.…
At last week, Kevin Werbach, the former Internet analyst for the U.S. Federal Communications Commission and former managing editor of Esther Dyson’s Release 1.0 newsletter, argues that both the radio spectrum and governments need to regulate it no longer exists. (Oh,…
If you’re in London on Tuesday, attend
In the current edition of the M.10 report, Ned Desmond, executive editor of Time Inc. Interactive, called offering free online content a “shabby proposition.” M.10 now gives response from CBS MarketWatch Founder and CEO Larry Kramer, Maxim Online General Manager Roger Munford,…
Columbia University Professor of Economics & Finance Eli Noam writes at “For electronic media, transmission technology is destiny: it defines cost, content and business models. The costs of TV distribution over the internet are more than 40 times greater than the…
For those who are following the controversy about whether or not webloging is journalism, the Fall 2003 edition of Nieman Reports, the magazine of the Neiman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University, includes articles by Christopher Allbritton, Eric Alterman, Paul Andrews, Rebecca…
A Florida company, begins selling software that allows camera-equipped mobile phones to read and recognize European Article Numbering (EAN) and Universal Product Codes (UPC) and International Standard Book Numbers (ISBN) and provide consumers with comparison prices for the same merchandise from other stores.
We’re making available from this site some of the essays about New Media that we’ve written for other sites. Below is a one we wrote for JupiterMedia’s’s Publishing Free to Fee column. Originally published there on 18 June 2002, it explains the three criteria that sites should use when deciding to charge for content.
The Yankee Groups predicts that US wireless penetration will reach nearly 50 percent by the end of this year. “North Americans now treat wireless like a utility rather than a novelty,” and that “With the current state of wireless competition, it is…
A Yankee Group survey reports that 48 percent of ‘Technologically Advanced Families’ in Canada go online at least thrice daily and that 5 percent are online all day long.
M.10 reports the contrast between UK and US magazine business models. The basic differences are that UK magazines have (1) less staff than US magazines and (2) operate under the control of a general manager who runs the magazine’s advertising, distribution, editorial…
We’ll be moderating the online publishing panel at the Micropayments Conference on Monday, November 3rd, in New York City. Because this conference is being organized by Peppercoin, a micropayments system vendor, we were initially skeptical that this conference would become a sales…
Scott Moore, president of tells why Slate and MSNBC won’t switch to a paid subscription business model and why he dislike the current Web site audience rating systems. Our analysis: He’s a bright guy who’s worked his way up through…
Pam Parker writes in the Internet Advertising Report that American advertisers intend to increase the amount of money their spending on ‘rich media’ (i.e., ads containing audio, video, JavaScript or Flash animations, etc.) online ads, but that they are still concerned about…
Skepticism widens about the Online Publishers Association‘s latest report about the growth of American consumers’ purchases of online content. Clay Shirky, Rafat Ali, Barry Parr, and Rich Gordon echo the criticisms we began making a year ago, and recently reiterated, about the…
E-mail users are always aggravated at having to delete spam, possible viruses, irrelevant forwardings, and friends’ mass mailings of insipid jokes. However, David Pogue, Circuits columnist for The New York Times, points to an overreaction: John Caudwell, chairman of the Phones 4U…
See this about that.
Here are Nielsen//Netratings figures for US average consumer home usage of the Internet last month: Number of Sessions/Visits per Month: 31 Number of Domains Visited per Month: 53 Time Spent per Month: 26 hrs. 15 mins. 23 sec. Average Time Spent per…
After half a millennium, London’s Fleet Street media history is at and end. Reuters, the only remaining English-language news organization still based in London’s legendary media thoroughfare, is preparing to sell its No. 85 Fleet Street offices and move miles down the…
Our two recent posting about what really may have motived Editor & Publisher magazine to switch from weekly to monthly print publication led the magazine’s Publisher Chaz McKeown to e-mail us information to show that E&P is a very healthy and competitive…
The Online Publishers Association has released its latest hope-filled and hype-filled update of its questionable figures about the growth of paid online content in the US. We write the monthly Publishing: Free to Fee columns for JupiterMedia’s, so we think we…
Some general comments about whether or not blogs should be edited: The blogging community often mistakes the word editing for the word censoring, and gets all atwitter. There is nothing wrong with editing a blog or any other published writing. Editing involves…
There currently is a controversy in the blogger community about the Sacremento Bee‘s publisher ordering that part of a blog by one of her columnists be deleted and that all the newspaper’s blogs be edited prior to publication. Was the Sacramento Bee’s…
Simba Information, Inc. has been bought by R.R. Bowker from PRIMEDIA, Inc. Well-known to many Internet pioneers, Simba was one of the first companies to provide market intelligence about the Internet to media professionals. Its new owner, Bowker, itself privately owned by…
The International Telecommunications Union announced that the number of people worldwide who have broadband Internet access grew 72% in 2002. The Republic of (South) Korea, Hong Kong (China) and Canada topped the list of countries with broadband penetration. Broadband is used by…
SFGate News Director Vlae Kershner has an interesting quote in an Editor & Publisher‘s online interview. Asked why he opposes charging for access to his content: “Newspapers need to charge because they have high production costs and because if they don’t, advertisers…
The library at Drexel University in Philadelphia used to subscribe to fewer than 100 print journals from the Elsevier science unit of Anglo-Dutch publisher Reed Elsevier. But it now subscribes online to some 1,500 Reed Elsevier tech journals, thanks to that publisher’s…
Jim Bannister, former executive VP of Time Warner’s New Media effort Entertaindom, is writing an excellent book about media and new technologies. We aren’t allowed to say more, but we’ve seen its drafts.
Media critic Tim Porter, who was editor of San Francisco Examiner under Hearst Corporation analyses and agrees with our analysis of why Editor & Publisher magazines is switching from monthly to weekly publication.
MTV has begun to stream music videos and other programming, such as Jackass and Dirty Sanchez, to users of Hutchison’s third-generation mobile phones in the UK, Netimperative reports. Premiership football game clips are already available on those 3G phones. However, Hutchinson has…
Editor & Publishing’s site reports on RSS feeds launched by The New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, and Nashua Telegraph of New Hampshire. Joel Abrams, the Monitor‘s partnership development specialist, says his company is now trying to figure out a business model…
Yomiuri Shimbun, the world’s largest circulation daily newspaper (weekday: 14,242,000 copies) has begun wholesaling a digital edition. According to Nihon Shinbun Kyokai (Japan Newspaper Publishers & Editors Association) Yomiuri will sends its PDF files to NewspaperDirect of Canada and Konica Business Machines…
Does anyone else remember the scene in the movie, Miracle on Thirty-Fourth Street, when a department store Santa Claus revolutionizes and enhances his store’s business by telling shoppers where to find desired merchandise at other stores, too? Online Journalism Review likewise features…
Last week, we criticized the decision of Advance Internet President & Creator Director Jeff Jarvis not to speak at the Online News Association‘s annual conference because the ONA plans to charge each speaker a regular attendee’s registration fee. We think the ONA’s…
Japan Media Review offers a good story about of South Korea, a collaborative “citizen reporters” site that had a affect on it nation. San Jose Mercury News tech columnist Dan Gillmor recently termed it a site that, “is transforming the…
Cloudmark, which manufactures spam filters for corporations, is hawking an e-mail rating system that it says could solve the problem of ‘False-Positives’ solicited e-mail that gets caught in spam filters. Nice try, but technological solutions aren’t really going to solve the…
The growth of i-mode, increased services utilizing general packet radio service (GPRS) networks and the introduction of 3G are changing the user experience for Western European mobile phone users, according to a report available to eMarketer subscribers: “The migration from 2G mobile…
Navigating in New Media is much like flying an airplane. Unless you’re experienced with these media’s vagarities and business cycles, you tend to overreact and make problems worse. Porpoising is what pilots call those overreactions, which aim too high or too low,…
Because in January Editor & Publisher magazine will switch from weekly to monthly print publication and announced that it also would “significantly enhance” its Web site operation, it perhaps only natural for Web-based journalists to believe that the Web killed this weekly.…
Most Danish newspaper boys want to have a mobile phone, so why give them those phones to help them better deliver newspapers? That’s a concept Sonofon and Dansk Avis Distribution (DAD), which distributes a variety of daily newspaper in Denmark, are implementing…
Nokia claims that use of e-mail on mobile phones will grow by 35 percent during the next 18 months. The Register thinks Nokia’s prediction might be somewhat high and quotes an analyst who believe that 10 percent growth would be more realistic. tells us that the North American wireless phone network Nextel will be offering live SMS alerts from National Hockey League games. A subscribers have a choice of receiving alerts when his favorite NHL team’s scores, or end-of period results, or end-of-game…
How did the UK’s smallest national daily newspaper create the most successful UK newspaper Web site? Read this interview with Guardian Editor-in-Chief Emily Bell.
For more than eight years, has been the oxymoron of online publishing. Pathfinder and its parent company, AOL Time Warner (soon to be renamed Time Warner) are the poster children for Mass Media cluelessness about New Media. So, no one should…
Just how ill did the Sobig virus make the world’s personal computers and which region were worst affected?, manufacture of the world’s most popular anti-virus software, reports that 6.1% of the world’s personal computers it scanned had been infected during the…
In case you haven’t counted them all lately, slightly more than half of all Internet domains are commercial. According to’s September 1st Survey: 5,766,929 domains are .com (50.1% of all registered Internet domains). 825,832 domains are .net (7.2%) 640,109 domains are…