Lufthansa Adds In-Flight Internet Access

Literally a higher demographic audience, 95% of passengers who tried Internet access aboard a Lufthansa airlines Boeing 747 liked this service. In mid-January, Lufthansa equipped its Boeing 747-400 Sachsen Anhalt, which regularly flies between Frankfurt and Washington, D.C., with Internet access received…

Does Editing Make It 'Journalism'?

Last month, the (U.S.) Public Broadcasting Network’s NewsHour with Jim Lehrer aired a good, short broadcast [transcript & video available] about blogging. But we do disagree with something that Executive Producer Joan Connell said in it: “One of the values that…

Our Theory of New Media is Curriculae

We’re pleasantly surprised to discover that our Theory of New Media has become required reading in the University of Maine‘s Computer Game Design course. Although we wrote that theory to help explain to publishers what the differences are between Traditional and New…

Take the 'E-Bore Test'

“Do your friends nod off or walk away when you start talking about ASP, HTML or CPM? Is the local Starbucks still the only place you can properly brainstorm with your colleagues? Are you onto your 4th PDA?” asks E-Consultancy‘s E-Bore Test.…

'Really Bad PowerPoint'

After all the PowerPoint presentations I’ve lately seen at conferences, I feel compelled to hawk Seth Godin’s US$1.99 masterpiece Really Bad PowerPoint. It’s an electronic pamphlet (PDF) about what not to do with PowerPoint. It would be worth all the conference registration…

Mickey Mouse Thoughts on Copyright Extensions

In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Courts decision backing the U.S. Congress’ extension of copyrights from 75 to 95 years, Reason magazine has published an ‘exclusive interview’ with Mickey Mouse. Among the cartoon rodent’s comments: “For almost 70 years, I’ve only…

'Forced Migration' of Online Users

In one of the largest ‘forced migration’ in Internet history, Comcast will forcibly migrate the e-mail addresses of the 1.9 million AT&T Broadband cable modem users from the to comcast net domain. All because the Comcast company purchased AT&T’s broadband operations…

W3C Endorses SVG

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) today recommended Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 and Mobile SVG profiles be anointed standards. Vector Graphics (VG) are how Adobe PostScript and Macromedia Flash work, although those two companies each uses a proprietary version of that…

Blog by Phone

Hey, desk-bound bloggers: Perhaps you didn’t believe my prediction last year that there is a rising Third Wave of Online Journalism utilizing wireless technologies? Then point your mouse towards NewBay. This Irish company’s software lets cellular network customers operate weblogs from mobile…

The 'Wireless PDA' Strategy

There is a posting on the Online-News listserv today that asks this question about Sybase’s acquition of AvantGo: Do you foresee this changing your wireless/PDA strategy? (Is that question moot?) I think it’s sad to see American publishers mistake PDAs as having…

Slow Blog due to EBNA demise?

This blog has lately been quiet because Digital Deliverance is planning to donate the blog to the organization that has been known as the EBook Newsstand Association. That organization, which is dedicate to finding ways for periodical publishers to publish on handheld…

What are the New Media?

In 1998, we formulated a Philosophy of New Media. This past week, we took time out from this Web log (and other things) to reformat its pages. Not only does this Philosophy point out the misnomers and misperceptions that currently plague most…

Salon's Spins Paid Content

CNET’s recently reported that webzine has now generated 35,000 paying subscribers for its Salon Premium services. Indeed, Salon’s press release announcing that level of paying subscribership received favorable play in trade press for online publishing. That’s too bad, because some…

Woe is the Newspaper Industry

Perhaps no story portrays the newspaper industry’s current woes as well as this: On Monday, Kmart Corporation was named the Best Overall in the Newspaper Association of America’s third annual Retailer of the Year awards competition. The following day, Kmart filed for…

Handheld 'Communicators'

We yesterday mentioned the Handspring Treo as an example of a handheld ‘converged device’ that can handle multiple forms of content and communications. Today’s New York Times Technology section reviews (free registration required to read the review) both the Treo and the…

Postrel on Products

We’ve long been a fan of REASON Magazine Editor Virginia Postrel, who also is one of four experts who takes turns writing the Economic Scene column in The New York Times Business Section. Here are two reasons why we like her: In…

The Dawning of Converge Devices

We have long preached that consumers will soon carry a single portable electronic device for all content usages, rather than carry multiple devices (mobile phone, Personal Digital Assistant, MP3 player, laptop PC, digital camera, etc.) that each deal with only one form…

Frank and Pessimistic Forecast from NAA

Last month, the UBS Warburg Pincus Media Conference saw a rather frank and bleak slide presentation (9.5-megabytes in size) from the Newspaper Association of America’s Vice President of Market Analysis Jim Conaghan with forecasts for 2002. Online publishers can incidentally take some…

Should Time Warner Divorce AOL?

In mid-December, Forrester Research issued a report entitled Guides Redefine Mass Media that states, “Media companies in every sector face a collapse of their distribution control – and distribution control is what maintains media industry profits. Industry troubles have only begun.” Mass…