That’s the subject of Mark Glaser‘s report yesterday in Online Journalism Review. Read reactions to Yahoo! New’s decision to offer original reporting. Here’s my own from Glaser’s story: Media consultant Vin Crosbie, president of Digital Deliverance, said it’s true that Yahoo doesn’t…
Editor & Publisher magazines interviews Adrian Holovaty, the editor of editorial innovations at Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive, who last month won the $10,000 grand prize in the University of Maryland’s Batten Awards for Innovations in Journalism. Also, Interactive Narratives has a podcast interview with…
As a little boy during the World’s Fair of 1963-4 in New York City, I first saw a prototype of what the telephone was supposed to be by the year 2000. It was supposed to be a videophone. For example, the photo…
I frequently write about newspapers’ experience with the new medium because theirs has been the longest experience. The New York Times launched the world’s first online edition in 1974 with LexisNexis, followed by many magazines and other newspapers on that professional online…
The ironically named ‘BEHOLD THE POWER OF US‘ is a single-day online news industry digerati calvacade, organized by the American Press Institute and held at the headquarters of the Associated Press. I should appeal to the FEW OF THEM in the media…
I never thought I’d call a daily newspaper beautiful. I’ve always considered daily news periodicals to be grubby Industrial Era products cheap paper products fabricate by clanking contraptions that melted lead into hardened cylinders faced with typeset characters and that inked…
Speaking of The Guardian, it’s online wing is beta-testing a new service called Been There. Lloyd Shepherd. the deputy director of digital publishing, blogs that, ” Essentially, it’s a platform for people to recommend things they like to do in places they…
Congratulations to online journalist and software engineer Adrian Holovaty, whose today won the $10,000 Grand Prize in the Batten Award for Innovations in Journalism. Created as a public service by Chicago resident Holovaty, with design input from Wilson Miner, lets…
As some readers of this site know, I’m contributing (and founded) a Corante group weblog entitled Rebuilding Media. Among its contributors is Bob Cauthorn. Online Journalism Review Journalist David LaFontaine wrote that a Cauthorn speech inspired him to write an article (Old-school…
I’d appreciate anyone’s recommendations concerning Internet hosting (co-location) facilities, including roof rights (i.e., satellite dish), in London or Dublin. E-mail me via vin at — Vin Crosbie
The New York Times will merge its print and online newsrooms in 2007.
The Audit Bureau of Circulations in the UK and Ireland reports that it and the members of JICWEBS (The Joint Industry Committee for Web Standards) yesterday agreed to exclude RSS User-Agents from member websites’ user traffic statistics, thus excluding RSS from the…
Long-time online entrepreneur Alan Meckler‘s Jupitermedia is selling its Search Engine Strategies trade shows and its Network of Web sites, including its, for $43 million in cash to Incisive Media plc, a public company in London. UPDATE: Alan Meckler explains…
Thoughts before appearing on a radio show about ‘citizen journalism’
Nokia predicts the future of mobile phones in 2006, 2007, and 2009.
LexisNexis and our client Critical Mention have formed an alliance to deliver TV video search and print news clips in a cost-effective package to small and medium-sized businesses.
An overview of U.K. Newspapers that use digital editions
The Pew Internet & American Life Project reports that the vast majority of Americans still have no idea what those terms RSS and podcasting mean.
Five finalists are selected for the 2005 Batten Awards for Innovations in Journalism.
Brian Lowry of Variety concludes that traditional media’s blog attempts “almost invariably reek of desperation.”
Danny Meadows-Klue on how CraigsList is savaging newspapers’ revenues.
Critical Mention Licenses Associated Press Video Clips Online TV search solution expands international content for business intelligence users NEW YORK, July 25 /PRNewswire/ — Critical Mention, Inc., the leading Web-based television news search and monitoring service, today announced a video-licensing agreement with…
Work for our clients took precedence over posting here during the past month, creating a backlog of issues to blog. Now that I’ve got some free time again, I’m working on that backlog. One backlogged item involves The Newspaper of the Future,…
Can an organization be a clothing company without making its own threads? Much brouhaha has been written lately about whether or not Google is a media company. It’s the type of ontological question that tends to fascinate theologians during the medieval era…
Are you one of the publishers who thought that millions of people would use :CueCat scanners while reading printed newspapers? If so, A-Z Computer Liquidators of Anaheim, California, has a deal for you. Millions of :CueCat scanners for just US $0.30 apiece…
Here is a question for all you reporters and editors: How would Woodward and Bernstein (and The Washington Post) have reported the Watergate story if they had had today’s online technologies? What would they have done better? Worse? How might investigatin and…
During the Editor & Publisher and Mediaweek magazines’ Interactive Media conference in New Orleans, Jacob Weissberg of
Cocktails during Cinco de Mayo at the offices of Critical Mention above New York City’s 57th Street canyon I haven’t been posting much because I’ve been traveling most of the past few months half that time to develop the video news…
Connecticut is the third smallest of the United States. One hundred miles wide, 50 miles high, and home to 3.3 million people, its largest cities are Bridgeport (population 138,000) and Hartford (pop. 133,000). A Connecticut city of 22,931 people was lost last…
Netimperative yesterday reported that there are now more broadband Internet users than dial-up Internet users in the United Kingdom. It reported that new figures released by BT Group show that, there are now more than 7.4 million broadband customers (including those of…
[A subscriber to the Poynter Institute‘s Online News discussion list this week asked for any research or experience about whether putting a story on a newspaper’s Web site the day before print publication has an affect on newsstand sales on the day…
Using the Online News Association’s discussion list, Jon Garfunkel of noted how the Ventura County Star has temporarily had to shutdown its online forums because (The Los Angeles Times reported[note: registration site]) of uncivil postings. Garfunkel asked: “Wouldn’t it be handy…
More than 100 U.S. magazines, twice the number from a year ago, now count significant numbers of digital editions among their circulation figures, according to the auditing firm of BPA Worldwide. Here are the top ten as of December 2004: eWeek 65,000…
It’s sometimes easy for new business ideas to blur the line between satire and reality. An example is the following idea we conceived while mulling over new markets for podcasting. Many users of iPods and other portable audio file players seem to…
We’re pleased that the agreement we setup between MacNeil/Lehrer Productions and Critical Mention received such good publicity today. It was the top headline in MediaPost Media Daily News and in CBS MarketWatch’s Frank Barnako’s Internet Daily. Media News Daily‘s lead was particularly…
On May 16th, Infinity Broadcasting’s KYCY-AM in San Francisco will drop its talk radio format and switch to broadcasting its listeners’ own podcasts. It’ll also stream those podcasts from the domain Open Source Radio. Beginning today, listeners will be able to…
(The original was released on PR Newswire this morning.) TV Search Provider Critical Mention Inks Marketing Partnership with MacNeil/Lehrer Productions MacNeil/Lehrer Expands Paid Distribution Opportunities and Extends Brand Through Partnership With Critical Mention New York – April 26, 2005 – Critical Mention,…
Speech to the 2005 annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association.
I’m today in Las Vegas, where the Radio & Television News Directors Association (RTNDA) section of the National Association of Broadcasters annual convention has ended and the Broadcast Education Association (BEA) section has just begun. Although I work with RTNDA members, I’m…
As a native New Englander, I was relieved to hear U.S. National Public Radio’s Robert Siegel reveal the tragedy in Vermont.
I’ve organized a New York Online News Association meetup group. It’s for New York City metropolitan area members of the Online News Association. If you work in online news media in the tri-state NYC area, please join us. Similar groups were recently…
I’d attended the Newspaper Association of America’s Connections newspaper website conference during each of the past ten years (it was originally and is again a side conference held during the NAA’s annual NEXPO newspaper exposition). However, I let my membership lapse during…
My company’s business is the busiest it’s been since the height of the boom in 1999, which is another way to say that we’re swamped. Or maybe swamped isn’t an apt verb because there’s no muck involved. The work onsite for…
At the highest inhabitable level of the Empire State Building in New York City is something redolent of the University of Missouri’s new EmPRINT digital edition project. When the Empire State Building was designed in the late 1920s, architects gave its top…
Starting with his posts on the WELL in the early 1990s and through his work as staff legal counsel to the Electronic Freedom Foundation, I
What’s more important to a media company nowadays: A CMS (Content Management System) or a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system? Publishers will tell you that CMS is. But they will be wrong. Legacy media companies (newspapers, magazines, and TV and radio stations)…
“There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who believe there are two kinds of people in the world and those who don’t.” Robert Benchley, American Humorist (1888-1946) There are two types of people who work in the new media…
Every few years in new media, I find a consulting client whose business plan, product or service, and managers are refreshingly sharp, competent, and unusually opportune. In those rare cases, and particularly if it’s a startup venture, I’ll trade some of Digital…
Congratulations to David Talbott, who weathered the storm of the bust and guided his baby to profitability. The New York Times today reports (registration site) that he’s now stepping down as its editor-in-chief but retaining the title of chairman. He’ll…