Deep in Exotic Kansas

I’m in Lawrence, Kansas, today through Thursday for a two-day conference in which The World Company shows how it’s operating the successful newspaper site, community site, and site. The World Company operates the newspaper, a TV station, and the…

Four Speaking Engagements Upcoming

We’re pleased to have accepted some speaking engagements during the next ten months: September 23 — at the Segon Seminari Internacional de Periodisme Digital (Second International Seminar of Digital Journalism). The event is being organized by el Grup de Periodistes Digitals and…

Nielsen-Netratings Says Fewer People Used Internet From Home in Some Major Countries

Nielsen//NetRatings believes that usage of the Internet from homes actually shrunk worldwide during the past year. The auditing firm estimates that 3.5 million fewer people worldwide used the Internet at home from May 2004 to June 2004. In the U.S. alone, 3.6…

From More Than 4,500 Sources, Just a Dozen Account for Most Google News Stories?

[UPDATE: Many of the Google’s senior engineers were attending the Search Engine World conference in San Jose, California when his posting appeared. Within ten days of this posting, Google appeared to have adjusted its news algorithm. Was that a coincidence or a…

'Publishers Don't Understand that the Home Page is no longer the Gateway'

That’s online newspaper publishing pioneer Barry Paar’s lament last week at MediaSavvy. … They are desperately afraid of “aggregators” grabbing their headlines and treating them as wire services. Why are they afraid of aggregators? I understand the rationale, but it doesn’t really…

Tell Vin Crosbie to Take a Hike!

Ever want to do that? Join the club. George Simpson in MediaPost proposes some media industry-specific video games, in one of which you can. On a similar (if not so personal) note, we enjoyed veteran journalist Pye Chamberlayne‘s list of favorite links.

More Prototypes of Rollable E-Paper

I keep telling publishers that electronic paper isn’t science fiction but science fact, technologiy that will go into commercial production this decade. I’m particular a fan of the rollable versions. For example, the picture above is of Polymer Vision B&W prototype demonstrated…

More Data Why Publisher Who Don't Use E-Mail Marketing Are 'Missing the Boat'

DoubleClick’s analysis of e-mail marketing opening rates, click-through rates, order size, and revenues per e-mail during the 1st Quarter of 2004 gives an excellent example of why we think that most newspapers and magazines have ‘missed the boat’ by concentrating on Website…

Webcast: 'Disrupting the News Industry'

The webcast of my panel, Disrupting the News Industry: Media Concentration and Participatory Journalism, a week ago at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism’s and Western Knight Center for Specialized Journalism’s Internet East & West: China and U.S. conference has been…

Telemarketing Bans & The HMS Titanic

According to a story in Editor & Publisher magazine, many newspapers that have suffered circulation declines are partly blaming it on recent bans on unsolicited telemarketing to consumers. That made my laugh. Although it is true that the fatalities on the H.M.S.…


Due to internal changes here at Digital Deliverance, transcontinental travel, some speaking engagements, influenza, and some unexpected new clients, I haven’t posted much here during the past week. After all, freely posting news & commentary here is of lesser importance than health,…

BloggerCon II

Bloggers attending the BoggerCon II conference Saturday at Harvard University’s Law School voted that forming a trade association of bloggers and also giving advertisers better usage statistics about blogs are the two best paths toward generating revenues from blogging. During a session…

Will Attend BloggerCon

On Saturday, I’ll be attending BloggerCon at Harvard University Law School. Nearly 400 other people have registered to attend. I look forward to this conference’s sessions on What is Journalism?, Blogging in Business, Shirky’s Power Law, and Blogging as a Business. For…

'Mac-in-the-Box' Narrowcasting

I’ve agreed to talk on Monday to the University of Missouri’s Online Journalism class. I spoke to them in person last October, but this time I’ll be video narrowcasting the talk from my office in Connecticut. A complication is that ‘Mizzou’ uses…