Know Media Within This Circle

Anyone teaching Media Management needs to know the media within this geographic circle.
Anyone teaching Media Management needs to know the media within this geographic circle.
The most advanced New Media in the world aren’t in the United States but in either of two East Asian countries. South Korea is frequently called ‘the most wired’ nation in the world: virtually all of its 51 million people are online or, as the home to Samsung, the world’s largest manufacturer of smartphone, interconnected wirelessly. Across the Yellow Sea from , South Korean, however, lay the world’s largest population of Internet and smartphone users, who have the world’s most unique and hyperactive New Media market. I believe that it will be from China that most of the world’s New Media innovations during the 2020s will arise. The formidable uniqueness of the Chinese language itself, have caused many technologies, particularly those involving smartphones, to evolve rapidly and hyper-competitively during this past decade. I think that many of those Chinese media technologies will soon start percolating through those governmental and linguistic ‘firewalls’ and begin to be adopted (or ‘Westernized’) worldwide during the 2020s, becoming platforms upon which many of the next wave of technologies for media will be founded. It is time that Westerners learn more about these. [click the headline to read more]
I’m shocked by news that Matthew Buckland, Africa’s leading expert about New Media, died today after a short battle with an apparently fast-acting cancer. Shocked because during May in Cape Town, when I last saw Matt, he apologized because his speech to…
Perhaps I’m the only dissident among the approximately 250 media scholar attending the World Media Economics and Management Conference held this week in Cape Town, South Africa? The chosen theme of the conference is ‘In the Age of Tech Giants: Collaboration or…
Here is a quick, anecdotal example of the difference in legal rights between Mass Media and Individuated Media. I am an American who lives within sight of the building in which ‘Saturday Night Live’ is filmed. I would have like to see this…
Previous webpage: Cooper’s Law Acting on Media We don’t live in a ‘wired’ world, but a ‘fibered’ world. Wired communications is obsolete. Metallic wires could never have sustained the phenomenal growth of the Internet and of the global telecommunications networks in general. The…
[34-minute PowerPoint video of keynote speech opening the fifth annual Personalize MEdia Conference (formerly Individuated Media conferences), Boulder, Colorado. June 20, 2011. How traditional media companies have gone astray by misperceiving consumers’ switch from analog to digital formats to be the greatest trend…
If you think all Europeans use the Internet the same, you’re wrong. As an American who’s worked a fair amount in Europe, I love studying the variations in among how the various European nationalities use the Internet. Lately, I’ve been comparing…
My thanks to Dr. Khalid Mohammed Ghazi, editor of the Cairo-based Arab Press Agency, for citing some of my work in his editorial, صحافة المواطن.. غائبة عن الصحافة العربية (Citizen Journalism…Absent from the Arab Press), published on Wednesday in, among other newspapers, Al…
TV news coverage of the third annual Media Lecture, delivered by Prof. Vin Crosbie on July 14, 2010, at the Drama Center of the National Library of Singapore.
Nokia’s Life Tools project is an intriguing addition to news organization’s mobile palette.
Geography disappears online, except for language and culture. More and more research indicates that one-third of the traffic to news sites based in Britain comes from America. Those sites had best advertise to this audience or else waste over one-third of their sites advertising potential.
Why I’ve volunteer to donate some of my consulting time to the Media Development Loan Foundation.
My hearty thanks to the staff of the
I’ll be in Singapore from July 11-13 and Kuala Lumpur from July 14-21. If anyone there who reads this blog wants to meet, please don’t hesitate to let me know
The Audit Bureau of Circulations in the UK and Ireland reports that it and the members of JICWEBS (The Joint Industry Committee for Web Standards) yesterday agreed to exclude RSS User-Agents from member websites’ user traffic statistics, thus excluding RSS from the…
Danny Meadows-Klue on how CraigsList is savaging newspapers’ revenues.
Netimperative yesterday reported that there are now more broadband Internet users than dial-up Internet users in the United Kingdom. It reported that new figures released by BT Group show that, there are now more than 7.4 million broadband customers (including those of…
Merger talks between two of the world’s largest newspaper associations have broke off. For the past months, the World Association of Newspapers and Ifra had been discussing merger, but this morning WAN announced that talks had ceased, at least for the foreseeable…
Japan has 102 daily newspapers. Here is a snapshot of their new-media activities: 83 operate website 26 also provide video on those websites 39 have e-mail editions 39 syndicate contents others companies’ sites 36 provide services (such a teletext) on cable television…
This past weekend, most of the stories about the online news industry focused on Associated Press President & CEO Tom Curley‘s keynote speech at the annual conference of the Online News Association. Though it was good to hear that the AP has…
You don’t you read Welsh? If not, how will you know the Diweddaraf Newyddion o’r Cymru (Latest News from Wales)? It’s hard to use y we (the Web) if you don’t understand the language. The BBC understands, so its New Media Department…
A U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a October 2002 lower court
Between 1999 and 2003, the time Britons spent online increased by eightfold, according to a report today in netimperative. Text messaging has increased fifteen-fold. People in the UK now spend more money on mobile phones than fixed-line telephony. By contrast, the growth…
My American compatriots still won’t believe me when I say that the best online publications are European. I’ve been telling them that for years, but their their national pride makes them think that whatever was invented in America is still made there.…
eMarketer today has a good, short article about which countries have the highest percentages of their adult populations online.
On the front page of The New York Times (registration site) today, there is an excellent report about how average people in China are beginning to use the Internet as a means to demand and sometimes get justice from their…
Tech for tech’s sake does not a market make. The world can have as many waves of new technologies as serendipty, venture capital, or the right combination of both can muster. But the technologies that are accepted by, and make a difference…
At the beginning of this month, the European Union’s ‘ban on spam’ directive (PDF format) took effect: ‘Cookies’ and other invisible tracking devices that can collect information on Internet users may be utilised only if the user is given clear information about…
Two weeks ago, we noted’s report that UK Internet Advertising Bureau Chairman Richard Eyre‘s speech to the UK Association of Online Publishers Association’s annual awards banquet was practically a cry for merger between the IAB and the AOP. Mike Butcher, deputy…
Newspapers that provide blogs to a few readers are merely creating a few amateur guest columnists. That’s not ‘participatory journalism’. What is will be unveiled next Monday by the British Broadcasting Corporation. Called iCAN, the BBC Interactive‘s participatory journalism program lets any… has begun distributing a digital edition of New Scientist magazines. That’s a bit of a coup for two reasons. “This is a great leap forward for New Scientist. It will bring the magazine to a whole new audience, many of whom… features a transcript of the speech that Ashley Highfield, Director of BBC New Media & Technology, gave on Monday to the Royal Television Society: “What we are witnessing at the moment in the UK is, I believe, a tipping point. As…
Anyone who is following the controversy over whether or not the BBC should be allowed to compete online with commercial UK news organizations should find useful the UK government’s Department of Culture, Media, and Sport web page that offers downloadable (PDF format)…
eMarketer, in a story about RedSheriff’s report about the top Australian Web sites by traffic, presents this interesting bar chart displaying both the sheer numbers of consumers online in major countries plus the percentage those users represent of their national population. [One…
Who gets the rights to offer downloads of a major American sport? The that sports’ league itself. Major League Baseball is offering downloads of this year’s US baseball quarterfinal and semifinal games, plus video clip of highlights from regular season games. Each…
Here are Nielsen//Netratings figures for US average consumer home usage of the Internet last month: Number of Sessions/Visits per Month: 31 Number of Domains Visited per Month: 53 Time Spent per Month: 26 hrs. 15 mins. 23 sec. Average Time Spent per…
The growth of i-mode, increased services utilizing general packet radio service (GPRS) networks and the introduction of 3G are changing the user experience for Western European mobile phone users, according to a report available to eMarketer subscribers: “The migration from 2G mobile…
How did the UK’s smallest national daily newspaper create the most successful UK newspaper Web site? Read this interview with Guardian Editor-in-Chief Emily Bell.
Just how ill did the Sobig virus make the world’s personal computers and which region were worst affected?, manufacture of the world’s most popular anti-virus software, reports that 6.1% of the world’s personal computers it scanned had been infected during the…
In case you haven’t counted them all lately, slightly more than half of all Internet domains are commercial. According to’s September 1st Survey: 5,766,929 domains are .com (50.1% of all registered Internet domains). 825,832 domains are .net (7.2%) 640,109 domains are…
Some details from the Economists‘ story about Italian mobile phone use: Usage of a what the Italians call at telfonino may exceed 90% of the Italian population this year (perhaps only use of pasta eclipses it). More than half of Italian children…
We’ve long thought that European online advertising shows greater flair than its American cousins. For examples, Creative Showcase displays the best of UK online advertising. Launched in association with Media Guardian, it highlights the UK’s monthly award for the best online campaign,…
We’re watching with increasing alarm the European Commission’s ‘Rome II‘ proposal to harmonise laws relating to non-contractual obligations across Europe. Its ramifications for libel, defamation, and privacy laws, could have a startling effect upon European publishers, including online publishers. Under its latest…
The 20% of the Welsh population who actually speak their national language finally have their own online weekly newspaper. Y-Cymro, the weekly newspaper for North Wales, has launched a Web site, an e-mail edition, and a digital edition. “We decided to introduced…
Nielsen/Netratings reports that Hong Kong, with more than one million of its 2.4 million Internet users on broadband connections, is the city with the highest per capital broadband use, according to a story (paid-access web site) in the South China Morning Post.…
Only two of the 10 British national dailies gained circulation during the past 12 months. The Times dropped by over 10% to 631,653. The Daily Telegraph‘s circulation fell 8.8% to 915,206. The Guardian dropped 2.94% to 387,188. And the Financial Times lost…
“Leading figures from the world’s online journalism community gathered in Barcelona this week for the ninth annual NetMedia conference on digital journalism,” reported about last week’s NetMedia 2003 Conference in Barcelona. Around 200 journalists, students and publishing professionals from across Europe…
BBC News Online won eight of 21 awards presented at the NetMedia 2003 Online Journalism Awards in Barcelona last week. Among the BBC’s awards was Lifetime Achievement to Mike Smartt, editor-in-chief of BCC News Online. Vincent Landon, science correspondent for Swiss Radio…
Although the words Bush and Technology seem incompatible in so many ways, members of the illiterate, hunter-gatherer society known as the San Bushmen of Africa’s Kalahari Desert have begun using handheld Personal Digital Assistants equipped with Global Position System cards to map…