Finally, a report (PDF format)) from the Online Publishers Association about which I agree! Its study of 27,841 Internet users on 25 of its members sites found that watching video online is becoming increasingly popular and that news videos were the most…
Merger talks between two of the world’s largest newspaper associations have broke off. For the past months, the World Association of Newspapers and Ifra had been discussing merger, but this morning WAN announced that talks had ceased, at least for the foreseeable…
AccuStream iMedia Research reports that the number of video streams online increased by more than 80 percent last year, for a total of 14.2 billion streams. Almost 80 percent of those streams were broadband (defined as 100 Kbps or higher). One of…
If your news website requires registration or you’re thinking of converting it to requiring registration, Dave Daniels, research director for Jupiter Research’s Customer Relationship Management and Marketing Operations practice areas, offers some simply suggestions for optimizing registration pages.
Lucien Carr, Gordon Joseloff, and Gary Paul Gates at UPI reunion, Oct. 2003. Beat luminari, killer, and wire service journalist Lucien Carr, one of the most interesting characters with whom I’ve had the pleasure to work, passed away Friday. Who was Lou…
I’m generally skeptical that any new year will bring mark changes. However, for the first time in many years, I foresee six marked changes in the online publishing will occur this year: (1). The most obvious will that verbal bloodshed will erupt…
After a long holiday period, I’m back in my office and now working on a broadcast industry project that I’m not yet at liberty to disclose. (I hope to tell more about it later month).
Earlier this month, Wes Jackson was promoted vice president and general manager of Belo Interactive, replacing Eric Christensen who at the end of this year will leave the company for another venture. Jackson had been vice president of sales for Belo Interactive.…
Without being laid off or fired, you can’t legitimately claim to be a guru in the online news industry. It’s like getting bloodied in battle. For example, I think 2000 was the year when Steve Yelvington, Howard Finberg, and Leah Gentry were…
Hey, Tony Ridder! Yes, and you, Doug McCorkindale! Don Newhouse! And the rest of you guys who run large chains of U.S. newspapers! I know that each day you read The Wall Street Journal because you think that its stock market coverage…
Japan has 102 daily newspapers. Here is a snapshot of their new-media activities: 83 operate website 26 also provide video on those websites 39 have e-mail editions 39 syndicate contents others companies’ sites 36 provide services (such a teletext) on cable television…
Hitachi plans to begin selling a color-capable electronic paper in 2006. Rather than use organic light-emitting (OLED) diodes, the way that Philips’ e-paper does, Hitachi’s device will use a liquid crystal displays (LCD) 3-centimeters thick and equipped with a special panel that…
Speaking of 3G (below), BBC technology analyst Bill Thompson, at first skeptical of 3G, compares it against iPods and changes his mind. Among his comments: But just as the World Wide Web was the “killer application” that drove internet adoption, music videos…
Vodafone Ireland has released its pricing list for 3G broadband mobile phone customers: Unlimited access to Barclays Premiership goals, match previews and post-match interviews for ?9.99 per month. On a promotional basis, that service will be free to customers until February 2005.…
[UPDATE: Some blogs which have linked to this item call it my vision of the newspaper of 2010. Calling it that is inaccurate. I believe that e-paper devices will be in common use by 2010 and that consumers will use these device…
Since writing my posting earlier today about RSS, I’ve chanced to read the UK Association of Online Publishers’ story about its forum last Friday entitled ‘Making a success of RSS‘. That story is unfortunately an example of the hype and reportorial dynamics…
Netimperative features an interview with Nico MacDonald, author of the excellent book What is Web Design. An excerpt: “The most common, if understandable, mistake is to assume that the Web is the best medium to use. In reality the PC-based Web browser…
Tom Biro of has compiled a list of U.S. ‘newspapers’ that offer RSS feeds. It contains: 42 daily general-interest newspapers. 54 college or university newspapers. 32 business journals or weekly newspapers. One online publishing industry commentator yesterday called it a “long”…
Oracle Gets PeopleSoft, At Last Information Week, 13 December 2004 I’m not sure that double entendre is what Larry Ellison in mind.
A month ago, I’d mentioned Nigel Pocklington‘s appointment to the newly created role of director of online publishing for the Financial Times. From London, Kieren McCarthy points me to an article he wrote today in The Independent about Pocklington’s role at…
The Online Publishers Association often induces statistics to prove that content is king online. This association’s first attempt was two years ago, when it released statistics that purported to show U..S. consumers spent $675 million for online content in 2001, a 92…
During my absence last month, a professor of journalism e-mailed me to review and correct his list of U.S. newspaper websites that charge for access. I do have a master list of daily newspapers throughout the world that charge for access, but…
Although The Daily Telegraph is missing two online pioneers (see below), two other pioneers of online publishing have new jobs: Yahoo! has hired Wall Street Journal Online founder Neil Budde as executive producer of Yahoo! News. And, promoting within, the Financial Times…
The Daily Telegraph of London is celebrating its tenth year of online publication, but without two of the pioneers who put it there. Hugo Drayton started in 1994 as marketing director the Electronic Telegraph and, largely on that success online, rose to…
When I emphasize how important mobile devices will soon become to online publishers , I speak from the experience of a user. I’m on the road about 14 days each month, and I can now leave my laptop at home. In August…
More than a year ago, we wrote about Mario Garcia, a world renown expert on newspaper design, predicting that the majority of the world’s newspapers would became tabloid-sized within his lifetime. Garcia a few years earlier had predicted that a large number…
This past weekend, most of the stories about the online news industry focused on Associated Press President & CEO Tom Curley‘s keynote speech at the annual conference of the Online News Association. Though it was good to hear that the AP has…
I regret that I won’t be attending this year’s Online News Association annual conference, to be held Friday and Saturday in Hollywood. Instead, at the request of Ifra, I’ll be in New York on Friday afternoon lecturing, on the subjects of e-mail…
The annual IFRA/WAN/FIPP Beyond the Printed Word online publishing conference was held in Prague yesterday and today. A summary of the presentations is available from WAN and there is an interesting conference moblog. Here from the conference (my thanks to the IFRA…
You don’t you read Welsh? If not, how will you know the Diweddaraf Newyddion o’r Cymru (Latest News from Wales)? It’s hard to use y we (the Web) if you don’t understand the language. The BBC understands, so its New Media Department…
Let’s gore a sacred cow. Or lets let Frank Barnako of CBS MarketWatch’s eponymous Frank Barnako’s Internet Daily do it. The headline above tops the commentary leading his report on Wednesday. “No one reads blogs,” Barnako writes. Yes, Technorati is tracking 4…
I’ve more thoughts about the accelerating declines in circulations of major U.S. newspaper: Many newspaper executives are blaming the new Do-Not-Call anti-telemarketing lists for a large portion of their newspapers’ recent circulation declines. That is disingenous. In reality, the blame should be…
There is more and more evidence that U.S. newspaper circulation has begun a possibly fatal free fall. Beginning around 1964, daily newspapers’ print circulations in the U.S. began steadily to decline at a compound rate of approximately half a percent per year.…
I’m back from a week checking out the online publishing scene in London. My thanks to my hosts
I’ll be in London this Sunday through Thursday on business. I’d like to meet some of the Londoners in new-media about who I’m read or heard. If you’re one of them and care to have a pint with me then, please feel…
During the past 30 months for JupiterMedia’s ClickZ online marketing information site, I’ve written 39 columns about charging for online content. Writing them has been fun. The $100 honorarium JupiterMedia has paid me for each has bought some nice dinners. But I’ll…
I spoke Saturday as the final speaker at the Associated Press Managing Editors annual conference, in Louisville, Kentucky. The conference’s subject that day’s was Newsrooms of the Future: Blueprints for Editors and Readers. Among the nine other speakers, Belden Associated President Sammy…
Earleir this month, Rich Skrenta of wrote about the misconception about how widespead RSS syndication is among traditional online publishers. “Only 7% of the sources crawls have XML feeds. I’d estimate that only a few hundreds of the top 3,000…
US Magazine later this month will launch a subscription SMS service for celebrity junkies, reports Technology Marketing magazine. US is targeting this service at educated, relatively affluent, North American women with an average age of 32 who live in metropolitan areas. Called…
The Guardian today reports that Daily Telegraph Managing Director Hugo Drayton has left that newspaper. There had been speculation that Drayton, who published the United Kingdom’s largest-circulation (one million) broadsheet newspaper, would last now that Hollinger International has sold the Telegraph Group…
My latest column for Jupitermedia’s marketing site ClickZ is online. It examines how the New England Journal of Medicine is publishing paid online content. My thanks to the quite competent Kent Anderson of NEJM and to my clients, the trustees of the…
By November 18th, I’ll have been consulting full-time to the online news industry for eight years. That work has taken me around the world several times and given me clients on four continents. I’m proud of it. I’m likewise proud that my…
ClickZ yesterday paraphrases me as saying the argument for growing audience through RSS is dubious. It’s an accurate paraphrase and the ClickZ article does report what I think. I want to fortify it. There is nothing wrong with RSS. Look, I publish…
Congratulations for the Gannett corporate staff for selecting after more than three years of deliberations an e-mail publishing vendor for USA Today and for all Gannett newspapers and TV stations in North America. Gannett’s ‘quick’ selection is significant for two reasons:…
A U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a October 2002 lower court
I regret that I’ve cancelled my attendence and presentations this week at the Segon Seminari Internacional de Periodisme Digital (Second International Seminar of Digital Journalism) and at la Primera Fira de Mitjans Digitals dels Pa
Most chiefs of newspaper corporations like to think of themselves as princes of industry. However, they really are well-dressed frogs. Last month, Bertrand Pecquerie, Director of the World Editors Forum, related an analogy about the newspaper industry, as told by Michael Ringier,…
I?m returning to work this week after four weeks vacation. Before vacation, I had the pleasure to work with the trustees of The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery , the 117 year-old monthly, peer-reviewed journal of American orthopedic surgeons. It had…
Claims that pressure from media companies forced the temporary shutdown of the controversial Bugmenot anti-registration site are utterly false, the site’s former hosting company told ClickZ. Bugmenot lets users share user IDs & passwords and therefore bypass compulsory registration at many many…
What if the crime of Breaking & Entering into your home were illegal only if the perpetrator wore a mask? Imagine if Breaking & Entering into your home were legal if the perpetrator didn’t wear a mask. Now imagine that we’re not…